Daniel Ruiz Tizon is Available Episode 61 Resonance FM S1 E18

27 June 2014

Comedy with the south London latte ponce


The Post-Brace Era

Daniel Ruiz Tizon, a man on his fifth nose and writer-director of acclaimed Resonance 104.4fm series “The Letter,” is, he’d like the world to know, Available, and dissecting the minutiae of everyday life.

Listen live on Resonance 104.4fm or listen via resonancefm.com every Monday at 10pm. (Repeated Fridays at 5pm)

This week, the dawn of the post-brace era sees Daniel stumble upon a new disturbing sunbathing phenomenon in Lambeth. Meanwhile, autumn babies are the hardest – it’s official. There’s the latest Nectar Points update as Daniel’s points accrual toils to break through the 200 points barrier. Illustrator Tim Bird gives us his South London in Sixty Seconds, while listeners submit their favourite biros into the pen hall of fame. And last but not least, there’s an all-too-rare-for-this-summer chin fissure sighting as we return to the café, and far too many mentions of modern man Micky Boyd.