Daniel Ruiz Tizon is Available Episode 74 Resonance FM S2 E08

3 November 2014

The glass is tall


Daniel Ruiz Tizon, a man on his fifth nose, is, he’d like the world to know, Available, and dissecting the minutiae of everyday life.

Listen live on Resonance 104.4fm or listen via resonancefm.com every Monday at 10pm. (Repeated Fridays at 5pm)

This week, Daniel endures another journey on the 322, London’s worst bus route, and employs a new page turning technique to get through the germ-ridden charity book recently given to him. And a magnificent new jaw line appears in the café that may come to rival old favourites The Chin Fissures in years to come.

Twitter: @1607WestEgg

Engineer: Chris Dixon