#5fifty5 The film that killed me twice

The scariest film I have ever seen, Don’t Look Now, is being remade. Based on the Daphne Du Maurier book, Nicolas Roeg’s unsettling seventies masterpiece follows a couple to Venice who are mourning the death of their young daughter. The new version, yet to secure a cast, has been quite rightly rubbished by Donald Sutherland.

I remember watching the film in the spring of ’93, late night on BBC1. I was struggling with the film’s creepiness, but the ending absolutely killed me. I won’t give anything away. All I will say is that in the film’s frightening climatic scene, watching it alone, I remember saying aloud  ‘OH MY GOD’.

That film scared the living daylights out of me in a way no other film has. I’m not a big horror film fan as it is. In fact I don’t like or watch them at all and I’m not sure Don’t Look Now falls into that category but I know it did terrify me. A year later, the film was on again. I kept flicking to it from another channel, determined I would flick away when it went into another creepy scene. And I was certainly determined I would not watch that climatic scene again. Lo and behold, I flicked to it just as that very scene came on and again it got me.

Twice in a year.

The same scene.

Much like an unnecessarily fancy café, I’ve not gone anywhere near that film for the last twenty years.