Introducing the When Shorts Were Short Patreon Page

My retro football podcast When Shorts Were Short has this week returned for its second series, and will feature more big names from that pre-1992 world of football, former players and managers, as well as a host of outstanding football writers. Coinciding with the return of the show, in time for the new season (former Arsenal midfielder Paul Davis is the guest on S2 E01), is the launch of a Patreon page.

Supporters of the show will receive each new episode a fortnight early, as well as bonus content from some of those episodes and exclusive to Patreon standalone episodes. This Patreon page will help to cover the show’s costs and also help me to bring in whatever research materials are required for individual episodes.

Please visit to show your support.

If you’re not yet familiar with the show, you can find S1 here and via all other podcast providers.

Thank you.

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